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Chocolate browser

Colorful flavors of autumn

Aunt Frida impresses with special autumn sweet creations that you absolutely must try this fall. Available for just a short period of time.

The best fruits of autumn in a jar

Experience autumn at Aunt Frida's chocolate coffee shop. Do you like discovering interesting flavors? Then you have to try Frida's Autumn tiramisu, in which aunt replaced the coffee with chestnuts and pears. Discover fine autumn flavors and indulge in mascarpone cream with chestnuts, pears and sponge cake. Autumn tiramisu can be enjoyed in all Frida's chocolate coffee shops only in autumn, as it boasts seasonal ingredients that taste the best now! ;)

Only for a short autumn period, the most popular autumn sweet creation, Autumn in a jar, is also on offer. Let the autumn flavors seduce you in a unique combination layer by layer - cream made from homemade pumpkins and apricots, crumble, chestnut mousse and a top layer made from crunchy caramelized walnuts.

You are invited to the nearest Aunt Frida chocolate coffee shop, autumn creations are waiting for you.

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